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제 18 호 ‘ChatGPT’ and Generative AI

  • 작성일 2023-05-30
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 15729


‘ChatGPT’ and Generative AI

- How Should We Deal with This?

By Yun-Seo Jung, Reporter


  Have you heard of ChatGPT or used it? As artificial intelligence is developing at a rapid pace, the appearance of generative AI is gaining traction in various fields, especially ChatGPT being one of the most popular. In fact, when most people think of generative AI, they think of ChatGPT, or they are not familiar with the concept of generative AI. 

What Is Generative AI?

  Generative AI refers to technology that uses machine-trained algorithms to generate text, images, videos, etc. in the form that the user wants. While traditional AI learns data and patterns to understand an object, generative AI creates new content through comparative learning with existing data, which is why it is also known as super-scale AI. It's already used in a variety of fields, in the image field, it can recreate photos with paintings that mimic a particular artist's style, or create an unlimited number of fake human faces. In the field of voice, it can compose a specific genre of music or recreate a specific song in the voice of a singer of your choice. In the text field, it can write a poem or create a novel on a specific topic.

Domestic and International Generative AI

 These generative AIs are not limited to ChatGPT, but there are a lot of them, both in Korea and abroad. In Korea, there are Naver's ‘SearchGPT’, Kakao's ‘KoGPT’, and overseas, there are Open AI's ‘chatGPT’, Google's ‘Bard’, Microsoft's ‘Bing’, and Baidu's ‘ErnieBot’. Naver is using its own mega AI HyperCLOVA for various purposes, and announced that it would introduce Search GPT in response to ChatGPT in the first half of this year. SearchGPT is based on HyperCLOVA, the first Korean-specific model in Korea with 204 billion training parameters. NAVER has introduced various services based on HyperCLOVA, including voice-to-text conversion, AI hello call service, and NAVER Shopping personalized curation service. Kakao will introduce service using KoGPT, a specialized AI model for Korean. According to Kakao, KoGPT has the ability to understand Korean in a dictionary and context by learning 6 billion parameters and 200 billion tokens of Korean data. Kakao is planning a ‘vertical service’ that can use KoGPT's capabilities to act as a personalization assistant and write ad copy. Google unveiled AI 'Bard' on February 6 to compete with ChatGPT. Bard is based on Google's super-large language model, LaMDA, which has been trained on 3 billion documents and 1.1 billion conversations based on parameters. And Microsoft announced its new search engine 'Bing' based on AI. The new Bing runs on Prometheus, Open AI's new large language model designed specifically for search, which is more accurate and faster than ChatGPT and GPT-3.5. MS is also strengthening the linkage between its services by promoting the introduction of ChatGPT features in office programs such as Word and Excel.

  ChatGPT, currently the most popular generative AI, was released on December 1st, 2022 by Open AI. ChatGPT is a conversational AI that responds with a conversation or answer accordingly when a user enters text into a dialog box. Chat is short for chatting and GPT stands for "Generated Pre-trained Transformer". It hit 1 million daily users within five days of launch, and the impact was huge. What's more, it's not just about answering questions, and it's about writing papers, translating, coding, and more. The main feature of ChatGPT is that it learns by utilizing human feedback to communicate with humans or perform set tasks using only text input, without any special coding or commands. It comes up with answers to creative ideas as well as simply delivering information. 


  As you can see from the appearance of running ChatGPT, there's a wide range of topics you can chat about with ChatGPT, from simply asking for information, to questions that might come up in a conversation between people, to even writing poetry that requires some creative skills.Most questions can be answered by ChatGPT without having to search the internet. 

Disadvantages of Generative AI

  But while generative AI has given us all these conveniences, there are definitely drawbacks. Students in the U.S., where ChatGPT is widely used, have reportedly been using it to substitute for assignments, prompting public schools in New York to block access to ChatGPT on school Wi-Fi and computers. Researchers at Northwestern University in the U.S. also published a study that all 50 abstracts of medical papers written with ChatGPT passed all plagiarism checkers and were not caught by medical experts. And the one that can turn into the biggest problem is fake news. This is because the generative AI could learn the wrong data and then provide that information to people. In particular, AI learning biased information and hate speech is a problem, and in the past, MS chatbot Tay was shut down less than a day after launching due to inappropriate comments, including racist remarks and a comment that Hitler was right.

  Therefore, the movement to establish "AI ethics" is also accelerating. The British government recently published an AI white paper and called on regulators to develop a contextualized approach to how AI is used. To secure AI credibility in Korea, the Ministry of Science and ICT launched the AI Ethics Policy Forum last year. Then, how should we treat generative AI in the midst of these controversies? Most importantly, we should never rely on it. It is a trained AI and should be used with the clear understanding that errors will exist. In the rapidly developing era of artificial intelligence, we will be able to live a smarter life if we use it with the right AI ethics.





The updated event of essential knowledge / PMG / 2023