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제 15 호 It’s Not Your Fault!

  • 작성일 2022-08-31
  • 좋아요 Like 4
  • 조회수 15675


It’s Not Your Fault!

By Sol-Hyang Park, Editor-in-chief


  I became a senior this year, and as the years go by, my career worries are getting deeper and deeper. I think it is not just my situation, so I would like to share some thoughts related to this.

For teenagers, most of their career worries are 'study'. Some students will start from middle school, and most of them will have problems with entering college. For those in their twenties, most career concern is 'employment'. How and where to build the 'specs', and how to get into a better company even if you barely got the specs. Or, you may worry that the things you like and work do not match, or there is nothing you want to do.

Me, a newcomer who has not gotten out of university even dares to offer a solution to these concerns, but there is something I would like to emphasize to myself and my peers – “It's not your fault.” It is also my favorite line from the movie “Good Will Hunting.” Of course, it is not to blame others or the environment for your situation unconditionally. In the process of grasping the reality you are in, I hope that you will not be engrossed in your problems. I also lost the strength to go further with so much self-blame whenever I was in certain situations. It is not just an individual problem that the situation has become. In a society that favors science and engineering majors - what about artistic or athletic people? What about a wandering or adventurous person like me?

I still have not been able to get out of these worries, but I think the best effort is to do something and make an opportunity rather than do nothing and get frustrated. It would not be easy certainly, but wouldn't it be better to make an opportunity than to wait for it to come? 

  As the weather is getting cold, 2022 is also entering the second half of the year. I hope that everyone will spend the rest of 2022 happily and proudly by creating opportunities for ‘you’ without blaming yourself too much. Additionally, this is my last editorial as an Editor-in-chief. Although it was a short time, the process of preparing the issue as the editor was very meaningful and happy. Best wishes for the future Herald and readers!